Flavia Pinheiro
Performer and choreographer living in Recife. Her works involve the body in movement in relation to different devices. She investigates the relations of force and power of hegemonic neoliberalism corporeified by intensive training for the end of the world and the limits of resistance in the creation of images, performance programs, installations, videos and urban interventions with a single goal: Dancing so as not to die!
Currently, she investigates in vitro bacteria in the unhealthy context of the city of Recife: a series of image and performance procedures in the fight against antibiotics. Her exhibition "Abysses of a body that fails", awarded by the Artistic Residencies Fundingf of Fundação Joaquim Nabuco FUNDAJ collapsed. The artist insists on the dystopia of hacking existence.

In a state of dance. Fabulous animal in constant flight. Powerful musculature of the lower limbs. Sublime movement at high speed. Always afraid even in herd. About the misery of the human condition. Fleeing, escaping, surviving.
Artistic Team
Creation and performance: Flávia Pinheiro
Programming and noises: Leandro Oliván
Execution: João Guilherme
Sound Artist: Yuri Bruscky
Researchers: Leandro Oliván and Flávia Pinheiro
Research Coordinator: Claudio Lacerda
Graphic Design: Guilherme Luigi
Drawings: Renato Valle
Production: Flávia Pinheiro and Corpo Rastreado
Photo: Amanda Pietra
Diffusion: Corpo a Fora

The Magnificent Bacteria is a performance that pays a tribute to the bacterial life - one that infects, that lives freely, that reshapes its surroundings, and is, in other words, alive. Antibiotics is thus a complete opposite - it is what kills and annihilates and makes life impossible. These two metaphors are the foundation of The Magnificent Bacteria.