is an actress and hair and make-up designer. She has worked with Cia. Os Satyros as an actress/make-up artist in several shows such as "A Vida na Praça Roosevelt" (2005), "AmorTempo" (2006), "CorpoEngrenagem" (2015), "Justine" (2016), "Pink Star" (2017). He has also acted in the plays "As Moças" (2009) and "Roda Cor de Roda" (2011); "Por Trás das Lonas de Babilon" (2016) with the group Os Babilônicos; "[A] Gente" (2018) with Cia. do Terreno with a relaunch in 2020 where, as well as acting, he is also responsible for the dramaturgy, make-up and stage props; "Luis Antônio - Gabriela" (2018) with Cia. Mungunzá and "Por Que a Criança Cozinha na Polenta" (2018), where she did the make-up; "Máquina Branca" (2019) by Ave Terrena Alves; "Interditos" (2019), by Nelson Baskerville and "Brian ou Brenda" (2019) by Franz Keppler for which she received the award for best supporting actress from the Observatório do Teatro. She is an actress in the series "Nós" (Canal Brasil) and "Todx Nós" (HBO). She took part as a guest actress in the project "Stories of Our America" (2020-2021) by the Labirinto Collective, which aimed to disseminate Latin American dramaturgy by reading texts by various playwrights such as Claudia Rodriguez, Gabriel Calderon, Dione Carlos and Mariano Tenconi Blanco and was directed by various directors such as Érica Montanheiro, Lavínia Pannunzio, Carlos Canhameiro and Malu Bazan. He co-produced and acted in the short film "Isolatta" (2020)
a member of Itau Cultural's Emergency Audiovisual Grant, "Arte Como Respiro". Produced and presented, in partnership with studio Nu, the plays "Isso Não É Uma Peça" (2020) premiered at Satyrianas and "PorcoEspinho" (2021) was included in Qualicorp's Qualicult cultural grant. He is currently producing and acting in the short film "Cancelatta", granted by the Aldir Blanc Cultural Emergency Law (2021).
Fabia Mirassos
This show is an invitation to challenge authorities in a plural and scenic way, mixing makeup and transvestite philosophy by proposing metaphors that include the transvestite body in different languages such as poetry, performance, monologue and stand-up. A cutting and pasting of different genres. Just like the transvestites themselves. Who are often cut and pasted. From their body, their history, their family or their home. "Vienen Por Mi" is also this. It's a copying and pasting of narratives with the aim of building an LGBTQIA+ biography. It's also a political tool that speaks for itself. To occupy a place of speech that until now has been silenced. To give a voice to those who haven't said anything yet. It's a play written by a transvestite, the Chilean playwright Claudia Rodriguez, and performed by another transvestite, the actress and proponent of this project, Fabia Mirassos, who has been working on LGBTQIA+ issues since 2017, when she made her debut in "Pink Star". "A]Gente" directed by Ronaldo Fernandes and Veronica Gentilin (2018); "Luis Antonio-Gabriela" directed by Nelson Baskerville (2018); "Máquina Branca" directed by Luciana Ramin and Otávio Oscar (2019); "Brian ou Brenda" directed by Yara de Novaes and Carlos Gradim (2019) and the series "Todxs Nós" (HBO) and "nós" (Canal Brasil) in 2020.